Comedy's Top Cop  Ross Amicucci  Michigan -


Giving you a peak behind the mirrored sunglasses of law enforcement, is Ross
Amicucci "COMEDY TOP COP" with over 19 years of law enforcement experience
to draw upon, Ross can give you the up close and personal view of life as your friendly neighborhood police officer. More then just the coffee and doughnuts that most comics refer to as they joke about the police. We’ve all had our stories of being stopped by the police “I was pulled over by a cop and…” but what we don't know is what they are thinking of us. You will now! Ross shows you the side you don't see. You may have watched "Cops" on TV but you've never seen this side of them before.

More then just your ordinary traffic cop Ross has been a detective in the youth bureau
for over 10 years. His experiences allow him to tell stories that are not only hard-hitting and poignantly funny but also hart warming and reassuring.

In addition to working in law enforcement for the past 19 years. Ross coaches football
and track at a local school where he has an office. Due to his no nonsense, Keep it
simple and get it right way of coaching, his players and fellow coaches have given him
the honorable nickname of "Lombardi" after the great Vince Lombardi of the Green Bay Packers.

Along with being a police officer full time, coaching year round, doing comedy, in Comedy Clubs. Ross has personally opened for such acts as the Doobie Brothers, Clint Black, John Michael Montgomery and has actually had Jay Leno open for him. Ross is currently remodeling a 100-year-old farmhouse on a farm he runs, with his own smaller garden.

He's married, she must ba a saint . . . well . . . close . . . and they are trying to have their first child . . .
Being older and starting a family presents it's own set of special circumstances . . .

He views the connection with comedy as a release from the demands of a career made more complex by changes occurring within our society. Everything that cops interact with from the entire spectrum of individuals - "Homeless people to PhD's."

Your evening will be filled with laughter, fun and a sense of new understandings . . .


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Ross Amicucci, Comedy's Top Cop with Jay Leno -
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